'Peniel,' which is Hebrew and is pronounced penny-el, means "The place where I saw 'the face of God.'" This is taken from the passage in Genesis 32 where Jacob wrestled with God.
Wednesday Night Schedule
Confirmation: 4:30-5:15pm
Confirmation Supper: 5:20-5:55
Youth Group: 6-8
Youth Group:
Grades 7-12 are welcome. Youth Group is a time to hang out, have fun, and, most importantly, study God's Word.
The purpose of these studies is that students would understand the passage from its original context, and how it applies to them today. Furthermore, this purpose is only possible as we discover Christ in these passages, as Christ said, "These are the Sciptures that testify about me" (John 5:39).
Students 7th grade and up are welcome to join confirmation.
This is a two-year program focused on studying doctrines of the Scripture with an introduction to the Lutheran beliefs. The goal is for students to verbally confirm their Christian faith, which they were baptized into, before the congregation. The confirmation year runs September through April.
Contact: Youth director
church #: 320-286-2861 or email youthdirector@goodshepherdcokato.com