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Fellowship Time
Jan 29 @ 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Hosts Needed!

Q.  What do I have to do?

A.  Serve a simple treat and a beverage, then wipe crumbs from tables and clean up the serving counter.

Sign up sheet is on the wall near the serving window. 

Kids Light
Feb 1 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Kids Light is a Wednesday evening program for children grades 1 – 6. Emphasis is on Bible memory. There are games and activities, too.

Kids Light meets the first three Wednesday’s of each month, October – May.

Kids Light will meet in the gym space during the months of January and February 2023.

Fellowship Time
Feb 5 @ 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Hosts Needed!

Q.  What do I have to do?

A.  Serve a simple treat and a beverage, then wipe crumbs from tables and clean up the serving counter.

Sign up sheet is on the wall near the serving window. 

Worship with Holy Communion
Feb 5 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Today we have the privilege of fellowship with Jesus Christ & one another in Communion.

All adults & confirmed youth who are trusting Christ as their personal Savior & have been honest with God about their sin are invited to the Lord’s Table.

Quilting for Missions
Feb 6 @ 1:00 pm

Quilting for Missions meets in the Romans/Amos classroom.

We have a number of quilts completed. Have an idea for a place to donate them? Talk to Monica Berg.

There are a few quilt tops “kits” that someone could take home to sew and then return.

We would love to have more people join us! If the day or time doesn’t fit in your schedule, talk to Monica. We could work out something for you to take part.

Kids Light
Feb 8 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Kids Light is a Wednesday evening program for children grades 1 – 6. Emphasis is on Bible memory. There are games and activities, too.

Kids Light meets the first three Wednesday’s of each month, October – May.

Kids Light will meet in the gym space during the months of January and February 2023.

Fellowship Time
Feb 12 @ 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Hosts Needed!

Q.  What do I have to do?

A.  Serve a simple treat and a beverage, then wipe crumbs from tables and clean up the serving counter.

Sign up sheet is on the wall near the serving window. 

Kids Light
Feb 15 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Kids Light is a Wednesday evening program for children grades 1 – 6. Emphasis is on Bible memory. There are games and activities, too.

Kids Light meets the first three Wednesday’s of each month, October – May.

Kids Light will meet in the gym space during the months of January and February 2023.

Fellowship Time
Feb 19 @ 10:00 am – 10:30 am

Hosts Needed!

Q.  What do I have to do?

A.  Serve a simple treat and a beverage, then wipe crumbs from tables and clean up the serving counter.

Sign up sheet is on the wall near the serving window. 

Quilting for Missions
Feb 20 @ 1:00 pm

Quilting for Missions meets in the Romans/Amos classroom.

We have a number of quilts completed. Have an idea for a place to donate them? Talk to Monica Berg.

There are a few quilt tops “kits” that someone could take home to sew and then return.

We would love to have more people join us! If the day or time doesn’t fit in your schedule, talk to Monica. We could work out something for you to take part.